This isn't about disagreements on secondary issues. Secondary issues are not fundamental therefore it doesn't break my unity within the Body. I don't agree with everything Paul Washer or John MacArthur teach, but those disagreements have no bearing on foundational doctrine. The people on this list are those who clearly go against foundational doctrine and teach false doctrine within Christianity. They've been found repeatedly to lie, deceive, twist Scripture, incorporate occultism and mysticism, take Scripture way out of context in order to deceive and give false prophecies. I've also added those who may have good doctrine themselves, but approve of false teachers. You may find someone on this list you love. Don't get upset with me. Do your own test of these teachers as you're supposed to do. Study your Bible, compare their teaching to Scripture. For more on how to recognize false teachers and prophets, you can read False Prophets
Benny Hinn
Paul and Jan Crouch
TD Jakes
Creflo Dollar
John Hagee
Pat Roberston
Joel Osteen
Rick Warren
Rob Bell
Marilyn Hickey and her daughter Sarah
Reinhard Bonnke
William Branham
Jack Hayford
Kay Arthur
Kay Arthur
Beth Moore
Priscilla Shirer
Sheri Rose Shepherd
Julie Clinton
Jack Van Impe
Oral Roberts and Richard Roberts
Carlton Pearson
Rod Parsley
RW Shambach
John Avannzini
Kenneth and Gloria Copeland
Jessie Duplantis
Chuck Colson
Henry Blackaby
Rodney Howard Browne
Joyce Meyer
Morris Cerullo
Rick Joyner
Charles Capps
Robert Tilton
Kim Clement
Juanita Bynum
Max Lucado
Brian McLaren
Todd Bentley
Tony Campolo
Carl Jung
Chuck Smith
James Swaggert
Philip Yancey
Harold Camping
Mike Bickle
Mike Bickle
John Piper - He's joined at the hip with heretic Rick Warren
Add another name to the list of liers.
Andrew Wommack
Check him out. he is a huge supporter of Capps,Hagan and the other wolves.
He has been named the most dangerous man.
Hi and thanks for the heads up! I've never heard of him and will definitely check him out. Thanks again!
U right I am tired of people using GOD word for their deceiving advantages. Thanks
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